The Entomological Society of NSW

The Entomological Society of NSW

The Entomological Society of NSW

Contents Vol. 47


The Journal of the Entomological Society of New South Wales Inc.



Olive fruit (Olea europaea L.) as a host of Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) in south eastern Australia.

Bernard C. Dominiak, Linda Semeraro, Mark J. Blacket, Adrian C. Englefield, and Alicia Mellberg

There is limited historical information for olive fruit as a host for Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni). In 2015, five suspect samples from informal surveys of olive fruit from the Sunraysia district were examined for B. tryoni and found positive. Larval and adult identifications were confirmed using both morphological and molecular methods. Olive fruit were found to support and produce between 3.8 and 32.5 adults per kilogram of fruit, which is comparable to some citrus. There is a need to further develop a fruit fly standard for a host susceptibility index or host potential index. If producers are developing a systems approach to manage fruit fly, they need to be aware that olive fruit can act as an alternative host for B. tryoni.

General & Applied Entomology 47: 1-6.


Expansion of Sycamore Lace Bug Corythucha ciliata (Say) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) in New South Wales, Australia, between 2008 and 2019.

Bernie C. Dominiak, Peter Worsley, Bernard Millynn and Angus J. Carnegie

Sycamore lace bug (Corythucha ciliata (Say)) was detected on Platanus x acerifolia in New South Wales in 2007 and confined to the Sydney basin. Surveys were undertaken in New South Wales in 2008, 2009, 2012, 2015 and 2019 to monitor the spread of the pest. There were 1,351 sites inspected with 409 detections during these five survey years. Corythucha ciliata was found on P. x acerifolia, P. orientalis and P. orientalis var. ‘digitata’, and is now distributed from Albury in southern NSW to Glen Innes on the Northern Tablelands, and west to Dubbo. The insect had dispersed a maximum of about 450 km after eight years. However some dispersal distances were as short as 270 km to the north. The insect continues to disperse slowly across New South Wales.

General & Applied Entomology 47: 7-11.


Review of the biology and distribution of Newman Fruit Fly, Dacus newmani (Perkins) (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE), a cryptic Dacinae species from the dry inland of Australia

Dominiak, B.

Dacus newmani is a commonly collected native fruit fly in Australia. However, D. newmani is poorly understood but has no economic impact on commercial fruit industries. Dacus newmani is trapped in large numbers in dry environments, unlike many other fruit flies. Trade partners may become concerned by these large numbers and may need to be assured that this species does not pose a threat to exports. This review aims to provide information to allay any concerns. There is very little information on hosts including native hosts, although a member of Asclepiadaceae (the native Marsdenia australis) is speculated to be a host. As no hosts are known, there is also no knowledge about immature forms. There is only one description of female flies. Adult males are possibly long lived with up to two generations per year but generally seem to be single brooded. Dacus newmani adult males are attracted to cuelure but not to wet food lures. The fly is distributed mainly through arid areas in Australia in all mainland states. It is not known in any other countries.

Dacus newmani remains a cryptic species despite being known of for decades.

General & Applied Entomology 47: 17-24.


Spinetoram resistance detected in Australian Western Flower Thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) from Queensland and Victoria.

Langfield, K., Nguyen, D., Annetts, R. and Herron, G.A.

A control failure to spinetoram was recently detected in a population of western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) from Western Australia that was verified to be resistant. Here we present data from thrips sampled at one location in Victoria and three locations in Queensland to determine if resistance is restricted to Western Australia only. Resistance was detected in both states but not in every population sampled with an LC50 Resistance Factor (RF) range (95% confidence interval in brackets) of 5.6 (3.8-8.4) to 55.7 (41.2-75.4) fold. Unexpectedly a response consistent with negative cross resistance was detected in some strains with one having a RF of 0.1 (0.06-0.2) fold.

General & Applied Entomology 47: 12-16.


Bloom progression is the preferred predictor of when to remove Honey Bee (APIDAE: Apis mellifera) hives from almond orchards.

Frost, E. A., Collins, D. and Somerville, D. C.

Almond pollination triggers the world’s largest mass migration of managed pollinators to a single flowering crop (Somerville, 2007). The University of California, Davis, advises that honey bee hives should be removed from almond pollination when 90% of flowers of the latest blooming variety are at petal fall (Mussen, 2014), but this advice relies entirely on anecdotal evidence and, in Australia, it appears to be unduly conservative.

Almond orchards containing apiaries of commercial hives were used to trap bee-collected pollen (Somerville, 2011) at the hive level and to track bloom progression of three almond varieties (Nonpareil, Carmel and Price) using tagged branches. Bloom progression was correlated with bee-collected almond pollen. Tracking bloom progression is a more practical, and no less accurate, field measurement to ensure hives are removed at an appropriate time, to the mutual benefit of beekeeper and orchardist.

General & Applied Entomology 47: 29-35.


UV stability of selected ant baits used in ant eradication programs in Australia

Webb, G. and Jovic, V.

The active ingredients in ant baits commonly used in eradication programs for invasive ant species are generally non-repellent, slow-acting, and relatively benign to other organisms and the environment because they degrade relatively quickly. However, few studies have ever assessed how quickly these active ingredients degrade when formulated into bait products. When various formulated baits containing the active ingredients pyriproxyfen, s-methoprene and hydramethylnon were exposed to different levels of UV irradiation, rates of degradation varied substantially. Over a period of 8.5 days, pyriproxyfen was relatively stable even under full UV exposure, whilst s-methoprene and more so hydramethylnon degraded rapidly under full and partial UV exposure. Under permanent cover with only side illumination, all three active ingredients were relatively stable.

General & Applied Entomology 47: 39-49.


BOOK REVIEW. Biology and management of Bactrocera and related fruit flies

Dominiak, B.


BOOK REVIEW. Hawk moths of Australia. Identification, biology and distribution. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera, Volume 13

Brown, G.


BOOK REVIEW. Australian beetles. Volume 2. Archostemata, Myxophaga, Adephaga, Polyphaga (part)

Hangay, G.

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